We are very proud of our 'Good' rating from Ofsted (2023) with Outstanding for our Early Years provision. Check out our Facebook page to look at some of the wonderful learning our children have been doing recently.


Child safety and protection is absolutely paramount in our school and all staff are trained regularly to ensure our systems and practices are fully robust. We work closely with parents, families as well as outside agencies to ensure that any concerns are addressed quickly and efficiently.

If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of any of our children, please speak to one of our Dedicated Safeguarding Leads for Child Protection immediately.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Jane Sharrock, Headteacher.

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Tanya Stoner, SENDCo and Corrine Wellby, Deputy Head.

St John the Baptist C of E Primary School is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of all children and we expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share in this commitment.

Further Information for Parents and Staff

The following websites provide useful information for parents and staff, including issues regarding e-safety:

West Sussex safeguarding Children Board


CEOP Safety Centre (e-safety)